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Useful reports - Lightspeed (R-Series)

Find online sale uploaded to your point of sale by filter the standard sales reports in Lightspeed Retail (R-Series).

Updated over a year ago


Shopify currently records returns with the date of the original transaction rather than the return date like Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) does. Because Shopify and Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) handed reporting differently, you may find directly comparing reports inconsistent. The important part is that all your completed Shopify transactions are uploaded to Lightspeed Retail (R-Series). You can validate reporting by checking a few individual transactions as you get started.

Recommended Basic Reports

Location: Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) Reports > Basic Reports

You can use the following helpful Lightspeed reports to review the sale and tax totals for Shopify orders uploaded to Lightspeed Retail (R-Series). If you don't see the metrics you want, like refunds or a list of all transactions from Shopify, consider using Lightspeed Analytics to create a custom report.

Total Sales

Location: Reports > Totals

The Totals report is your go-to report to find all Shopify orders.

  • Check the "Show Only Sales from External Channels" box to see all Shopify orders in Lightspeed Retail (R-Series)

  • Find a specific Shopify order by entering the Shopify Order number into the Reference #

  • Find orders by customer's name

Item Sales

Use the Group Sales Totals by Line Item report to see how many units of an item have sold and the remaining quantity on hand. Use the Employee field to narrow the report to items sold on Shopify.

Sales by Line Employee

You can use the Group Sales Totals by Line Employee report to separate your in-store sales from your Shopify sales by the employee assigned to Mortar.

Use the total for the Web Store employee and subtract it from the overall totals to get your in-store sales total for a specific date range.

Inventory History

Location: Reports > Inventory Change Logs

Note: Shopify provides only the last 90 days of inventory adjustment history for a product or variant.

You can use this report to review the entire inventory history in Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) for all items sold. When filtered by the employee assigned to Mortar and the item, you can compare up to the last 90 days of inventory adjustment history for a product or variant on Shopify.

Lightspeed Inventory change log

Shopify inventory history

Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) Inventory Log vs. a Shopify variant Adjustment history report.

Tip: Not finding a report that fits your needs? Ask Lightspeed about Lightspeed Analytics to see if custom reporting is right for you!

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