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Useful reports - Lightspeed (X-Series)

Find online sale uploaded to your point of sale by filter the standard sales reports in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series).

Updated over a year ago


Shopify currently records returns with the date of the original transaction rather than the return date like Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) does. Because Shopify and Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) handed reporting differently, you may find directly comparing reports inconsistent. The important part to know is that all your completed Shopify transactions are uploaded to Lightspeed Retail (X-Series). You can validate reporting by checking a few individual transactions as you get started.

Recommended Basic Reports

Location: Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) Reports > Basic Reports

The following are useful Lightspeed reports you can use to review the sale and tax totals for Shopify orders uploaded to Lightspeed Retail (X-Series). If you don't see the metrics you want, like refunds or a list of all transactions from Shopify, consider using Lightspeed Analytics to create a custom report.

Total Sales Summary

Location: Reporting > Sales Report

Filter the Sales Report by Report Type = Sales Channel to summarize your Shopify and in-store sales in one report.

In this example, you can see the total for Shopify and in-store sales for a specific date range.


Location: Sell > Sales History

The Sales History report is your go-to report to find all Shopify orders or locate specific Shopify orders.

  • Filter by the employee configured in the Mortar settings to find Shopify orders

  • Find a specific Shopify order by entering the Shopify Order number into the Receipt or note field

  • Find orders by customer's name

Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) Sales History

Searching receipt or note using the Shopify order number "#1040."

Inventory History

Location: Select a Product > Product History > choose the "Inventory Movements view."

Note: Shopify provides only the last 90 days of inventory adjustment history for a product or variant.

Use this view to review the entire inventory movement history in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) for a product. You can compare this view with up to the last 90 days of inventory adjustment history for a product or variant on Shopify.

Lightspeed product inventory history

Shopify inventory history

Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) inventory movements vs. a Shopify variant Adjustment history report.

Tip: Not finding a report that fits your needs? Ask Lightspeed to see if custom reporting is right for you!

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