Troubleshooting product details
7 articles
Search, sort, and filter results on the product pageQuickly search and filter the products page to locate any product
Trouble adding a product to ShopifyIf a product is not uploading as expected to your online store, there are only a handful of possible causes.
Updates to products are not showing upIf a product is not updating as expected on Shopify, there are only a handful of possible causes.
"Unlink from POS" actionUnlink a product if you want to change or manually reset a product's link to your POS.
Resync product and variant details on-demandUpdate Shopify product and variant details on-demand from the Shopify Product List page using bulk actions.
Required product - "No Product Found"Mortar attempts to find each product on a Shopify order in your POS. If it cannot find a product it will use the "No Product Found" product.
Using CommentSoldSetup and best practices when using CommentSold, Shopify & Mortar