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Using the unlinked products report

The unlinked products report spreadsheet helps organize, track, and share fixing linking for priority and unlinked products.

Updated over a month ago


This spreadsheet can help organize the review of unlinked products and track your progress in fixing them, even splitting the workload between team members. To help you quickly review and edit each product, this report includes hyperlinks to the products on Shopify and your POS.

Sample Unlinked products report

Selecting the product title on the spreadsheet will open the related Shopify product in your web browser. Selecting "Search POS" will search your POS by title to help you find the correct link.

Setting your priorities

To help you prioritize which unlinked product to focus on first, Mortar organizes the report to focus on high-risk "priority" products. These products need your help to make a 1-to-1 link with a product in your POS. There are two tabs in the report:

  • Priority - Unlinked variants with available inventory on Shopify. These products are your highest risk for problems.

  • Unlinked - Unlinked variants without inventory on Shopify. These are not a risk online and may be out-of-date products.

✔ Tip: !Fix your Priority tab first!

Why products are unlinked

The Problems column (H) identifies the "why" you need to focus on for each product. This column can help sort and focus on products with similar causes. There are four types of problems you may need to address:

  • No match - Mortar cannot find any product with a matching SKU or Barcode in your POS.

  • No data - A SKU or Barcode was not present on Shopify, so it is impossible to link.

  • Non-unique - Multiple products in Shopify or your POS have the same SKU or Barcode.

  • Conflicting matches - Multiple IDs on an existing product have resulted in more than one unique match to a product or multiple products.

Using the unlinked products report

Focus on making your Shopify SKUs or barcodes unique and match a unique ID found in your POS.


  1. Choose a priority or unlinked product

  2. Select the product title to open the product on Shopify

  3. Review the Problem (column H) and apply the appropriate fix:

  4. Check off or delete the corrected product from the product linking export

  5. Repeat these steps at least for your priority products

Once you have fixed your priority products, you can work on the unlinked product list or return to Mortar to finalize the linking process by selecting Save in the top right.

Learn more: Save Linking

General Tips

  • Sort - By default, the export is sorted alphabetically by title. However, if working on common issues is faster for you, it may be helpful to sort your products by other attributes like "Problem" (Column H).

  • For non-unique products, when you have duplicate SKUs or Barcodes, it can be helpful to sort your list by these columns to see the identical IDs together and then sequentially fix each product.

  • Share - For large lists of products, it is often easier to divide and conquer. You can assign specific product rows to team members and distribute the workload to several people.

  • Track - Keep track of which products have already been fixed by marking each completed product in an additional column. If you are using a shared workspace like Google Sheets, your team can collectively see progress.

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