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Adding Products to Shopify - Lightspeed (X-Series)

To make Lightspeed (X-Series) products available on Shopify, apply the "add" tag to the product.

Updated over a year ago


You can send complete product details with descriptions, images, tags, etc., directly from Lightspeed (X-Series) Retail to Shopify. Products will be created in Shopify based on their organization in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series).

How Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) product types translate to Shopify

Lightspeed Retail (X-Series)


Lightspeed Variant Product

Shopify Product with variants

Lightspeed Product (not part of a Variant Product)

Shopify Product with 1 variant

Tips when adding products

  • Complete product details before tagging - Ensure the product information is complete before tagging a Lightspeed product to be added to Shopify. Missing details can be manually added products directly on Shopify (Connect plan) or updated automatically from Lightspeed (Grow or Scale plans).

  • Apply the "Add" tag - Products must be active(not archived) and tagged with the action tag "add".

  • Draft status - All products are created in Draft status by default, turning off the "Create Products in Drafts Status" setting will create products in Active status. Just go to Apps > Shopify > Products & Variants.

Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a Product to Shopify

  1. Edit the product in Lightspeed

  2. Enter the action tag add into the tags field

  3. Press Save to update the product

Note: All variants will be added at the same time. It's not possible to add individual variants.

Adding a Tag to a product in Lightspeed (X-Series)

Entering and saving the tag "add" on a product in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series)

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